my family relations class this week, we focused on same sex attraction. It is a
controversial topic, especially within the Mormon church. It seems that almost
everyone is affected by this, either by a personal experience, or a
friend/family member who struggles with it.
class was very enlightening for me, as I learned the causes of it and the
treatment for it. I think it’s important for us to be knowledgeable on the
subject, as we choose to defend the definition of the family. My teacher taught
us that as a counselor, his clients have had these experiences that usually
attribute to having same sex attraction-
- Distant/neglectful fathers
- Over-involved mothers
- Molested
Plan of treatment-
- Stop the behavior
- Develop appropriate intimacy with the same gender
- Develop emotional regulation skills
- Go back to the basics of knowing you’re a child of God
the treatment plan, it is crucial to rely on the atonement of Jesus Christ as a
person changes their thought and feeling habits. It is only through Him, that
someone can and will overcome same sex attraction. Another part of the treatment
plan that is very important is to reconnect themselves with their Heavenly
Father, and to realize their divine potential and who they really are to Him.
Struggling with same sex attraction skews a person’s view of themselves, the
people around them, and also of God’s role in their life.
may be struggling with shame and guilt for having certain feelings/thoughts. Feelings
of unworthiness, and uncleanliness may also be a burden for someone struggling
with it. Same sex attraction is a great tool of the adversary’s, not only in
trying to diminish a person’s worth, but also to keep spirit’s from receiving
bodies on this earth. However, Joseph Smith taught that a person has power over
satan and his angels, because of their bodies.
teacher has had many people come to him who had the opportunity of overcoming
same sex attraction, and being able to move on with their lives and having
families of their own. This struggle is definitely a trial and a test of faith,
and it takes motivation and strength to not only overcome it, but also to
persevere through it.
Lord will give a person too much to handle alone. But He will never give them
too much to handle with Him. Despair, and hopelessness usually accompanies a
person who struggles with same sex attraction. An innate desire to become a
spouse and a parent, is in question and adds to the deep heartache. The only
way to heal the losses, disappointments, frustrations, and discouragements, is
to give it all to Jesus Christ, and let His atonement heal it all.